One of the greatest things in life that we all love is... Rest. If you do not like to rest when you are tired or after a very long day of work... you know that at some point you will have to rest to keep working. Yes, the idea of rest is so that you can keep working. One of the biggest things that G-d gave to us is His Rest. It is written that G-d Himself rested on the 7th day and called of His creation very very good. Yeshua Himself spoke to all people saying, man is not made for the Shabbat; the Shabbat was made for man. We see in Scripture that if someone does not give rest, whether you like it or not because G-d made every living thing to rest, every living thing will receive the rest it needs by G-d. Throughout history, when Israel did not give the land rest, G-d led them out so that the land would have its rest. When we do not rest and try to work through without rest, we will burn ourselves out.
What's even more incredible is the idea of what is received when we allow ourselves to rest in Yeshua. When we rest in Him, He tells us that we are Sanctified! What does it mean to be sanctified? Well, Jewish and Bible scholars say that sanctification is as being made holy/set apart/consecrated/pure and more.
Though a person is not saved in honoring the Sabbath, observance of the Sabbath allows God to set you apart from the rest of the world to receive a unique blessing. Have you been in some kind of pain? Are you sore, broken, and/or in need of healing? While the Sabbath doesn't heal you, G-d made the sabbath so you can find rest in Him, and allow G-d to do the healing. The Sabbath day is what allows G-d to sanctify you from any impurity and tell you that you are (as His creation) very very good. Shabbat though not the means of the Salvation displays G-d's grace and loving-kindness to those who trust in Him. Do you love Yeshua? Well, Yeshua loves you! He loves you so much, He came to the earth and showed all Jews what it meant to fully observe the Shabbat, and He showed gentiles what it meant to take part in the L-rd's rest. Yeshua came observing the Shabbat by resting in HaShem (G-d) and giving the Shabbat Rest to all those in need. People were troubled, hurt, heartbroken, sick, leprous, wounded, bleeding, dying, and even dead! But we see in Scripture that on the Shabbat Yeshua didn't break the Shabbat, rather, Yeshua brought the Shabbat to those that couldn't observe it. It is in the healing resurrection power of Messiah Yeshua that all may now find rest in Him. So now as a Jewish follower of Messiah Yeshua, I pray that we can together, Jew & Gentile, bring His rest to all those in need of Him.
Yeshua brought the Shabbat to those that couldn't observe it. It is in the healing resurrection power of Messiah Yeshua that all may now find rest in Him. So now as a Jewish follower of Messiah Yeshua, I pray that we can together, Jew & Gentile, bring His rest to all those in need of Him.
If you would like to observe the Shabbat you can celebrate with us at 11 am Saturday Mornings and/or you can look into the Shabbat using these great resources by fellow Messianic Jewish friends and family:
Jewish Shabbat & Biblical Calendar
Shabbat - A Time to Bless - Jewish Voice
The Jewish Observation of Shabbat - Rabbi Jason Sobel - TBN
For other Shabbat resources and/or questions please contact us: